P.D Hinduja Hospital & MRC creates awareness on “World Cancer Day” with an 8-feet-long ribbon installation

Our Bureau

In celebration of World Cancer Day, a global uniting initiative led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), P.D Hinduja Hospital & MRC is proud to present an 8-feet-long cancer ribbon-shaped installation lit with LED lights to raise awareness around the deadly disease. 

The burden of “Cancer” in India has doubled in the last decade. According to Indian Council Medical Research (ICMR), India witnessed more than 17.3 lakh new cancer cases and more than 8.8 lakh deaths due to the disease by 2020. But with the recent advancement in technology and treatment modalities, cancer is now curable if diagnosed at early stages. Chemotherapy is one of the best available treatments to cure or eradicate cancer. However, it causes various side effects like baldness, malnutrition, eating disorders, loss of sight, and depression, which leave a patient emotionally jarring. 

On the occasion of World Cancer Day, keeping in mind this year’s theme ‘I Am and I Will,’ which is all about our commitment to act, P.D Hinduja Hospital & MRC pledges to raise awareness through positive actions and reduce the brunt faced by patients due to late detection. The 8-feet-ribbon cancer symbol installation is an initiative and effort to spread awareness amongst the community about the disease, eradicate and abridge the number of premature deaths from cancer.

During the launch of the campaign, Mr. Joy Chakraborty, COO, said, “P.D Hinduja Hospital & MRC has been engaging with the people on the most critical issues of our time — from Organ Donation to Mental Health to No Smoking Street and now by the launch of this installation we intend to acknowledge the vulnerability, grace, and resilience exhibited by every cancer patient, survivor, families, and their care teams. A cancer patient’s journey begins with diagnosis at the hospital, and the hospital becomes the patient’s perpetual companion. This disease redefines the past, present, and future of the patient. It’s time to get together as a community and raise awareness around the disease and encourage people to recognize the symptoms early and get timely treatment”.  

“Cancer treatment causes an emotional challenge to both patients and caregivers. Raising awareness about cancer as a community helps to normalize it as a lifestyle disease, reduces fear, increases knowledge, and places old myths and misconceptions to rest. With the increase in physical and psychological awareness, there is a growing need to ensure the best outcomes for patients beyond their physical health and appearance to cope with the treatment to fight the disease”, says Dr. Asha Kapadia, Chief of Medicine & Head, Department of Oncology at P. D. Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre

Apart from the 8-feet-ribbon cancer symbol installation placed at the bridge connecting both hospital buildings on SVS Road and keeping in mind the on-going pandemic crisis of COVID-19, everyone at the hospital management, including the patients, staff, and visitors states, were wearing specially designed masks with the message “Hope, courage and strength” to mark the significance of the day. So this world cancer day, let’s unite under one voice, work positively to eliminate this disease burden, and speak up for a cancer-free world. Indeed it is, “Our time to act is now.”


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