Herbostra: Modernizing Conventional Ayurvedic Products

As a wellness brand, Herbostra believes in balancing the mind, body and soul and strive to formulate products that encircle the belief to modernize conventional Ayurvedic products. Their products are curated using the standardized procedure of infusing pure herbs and advanced techniques that are tested by niche experts. 

Their unique products are made with a unique blend of innovative research and an approach that aims to provide scientific solutions to health without causing any harm. Herbostra products are making Ayurveda a part of every individuals lifestyle.

  • The signature Digestive Bitters’ is made from many bitter herbs that help in bettering the digestive system by eliminating the toxins. It is 100% natural and also has immunity boosting property.
  • Using Probiotic Technology, their nourishing ‘Mother Oil’ is a natural blend of herbs and herb oil, with no parabens and synthetic colours, it is specially made for ‘new mothers and mothers-to-be’. With the regular application, it not only enhances the elasticity of the skin but also prevents in getting stretch marks.
  • The oil pulling mouthwash is formulated with sesame oil and has 25 potent herbs that cleanse the mouth cavity and strengthen the gums and teeth. The oil pulling mouthwash has no synthetic fluoride and triclosan.
  • Using all-natural ‘Irimedadi toothpaste is uniquely formulated with Irimeda, Neem and other potent ingredients. It cleans and strengthens gums and also prevents tooth decay. 

With the approach of modern science, Herbostra (derived from ‘Herb’ and ‘Stra’), uses the traditional knowledge of Ayurveda and turns it into products that are effective and consumer-friendly. Herbostra has a team of expert consultants that disseminate the concept of Ayurveda and mould it into a varied range of products. The aspiration is to give power to the ‘wellness conscious; individual and create a community of like-minded people who believe in natural living and using the traditional methods of healing.


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